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About Us

President & Founder, Mario Matos

For the last 11 years, Mario has been generously giving of his time and talents on missions trips both locally & globally.  We are blessed to have him lead our organization and are thankful that his love for God and for people are at the forefront of all he does. 

Mario’s compassion for those in need compelled him to help after hurricanes Katrina & Sandy wreaked havoc in our own nation.  Mario went on two trips to help in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.  Following the devastation of Hurricane Sandy, he loaded his truck with shovels and needed supplies and drove down to the South Shore of Long Island to serve alongside others as the cleanup began.

A skilled tradesman, Mario has travelled to the Ivory Coast to install plumbing in a girls’ school there.  He has also travelled to Belize & Guatemala offering his help whenever needed.  

For the past ten years, Mario has served in the Dominican Republic working alongside and helping the Haitian Refugees there.  Sometimes making as many as three trips a year, he has spent time in the Dominican installing plumbing in a hospital, building homes and helping to distribute food to refugee families who desperately need it.

Because Mario’s passion is so readily seen by all who know him, it is no surprise that teams of people have joined him in his mission – to reach out with God’s Love and offer a hand up to those in need.